If you are reading this, then chances are that you realized something. Real health doesn’t come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out!
When you come in for an adjustment we aren’t healing you. You are healing you. We are simply the middle man in getting your body to heal by removing barriers to healing. There are always examples where medication and surgery have their place, but there is a global shift towards wellness through self-development, mindfulness and applying healthy principles to your daily living. To help you understand this process we’ve identified the five pillars of health that you should keep in mind to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Nutrition makes up one of the 5 pillars of health. ‘Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ (Hippocrates).
Hydration is also key so make sure you keep up with regular water intake throughout the day. The standard benchmark is take you body weight divide it by 2 and that is the number of ounces of water a day but this may change depending on the season or nature of your work.
Exercise is another important area to the pillars of health and one that goes hand in hand with diet. Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean committing several hours every day to strenuous exercise either. Start with small habits like a daily walk (10k steps is suggested) and try to build up to at least three weekly strength training sessions. You can also incorporate stretching for a few minutes before and after sleep to improve your mobility and keep joints supple.
Health isn’t just about your physical health but your social and spiritual health too. It may not be the easiest thing to do but try to make time for meeting with friends and family. Humans are social creatures and socializing is a fantastic balm for the daily stressors we face. You should also make time for yourself and any hobbies or interests you may have.
You take care of the first four and we will come alongside you to take care of the final pillar. A property functioning nervous system maintained with specific chiropractic adjustments is paramount to your health.
At Eaton Chiropractic we look at your body and your life as a whole. If you have a friend, family member or coworker who is looking to truly elevate their health have them give the team a call at 770-429-9733 for an initial consultation done at our expense. We are in network with all insurance, including Medicare and Kaiser.
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