Eaton Chiropractic CENTER

Standard Process

Is Your Body Capable of Keeping Itself Healthy?

At Eaton Chiropractic we believe that given the proper nutrition, your body has the amazing capability of keeping itself healthy. We also believe that nutrition should be individualized to meet each patient’s needs. Toxins are in the food you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. You are probably aware of most toxins: pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, pollution, preservatives and many of the medications you take on a regular basis.

Medications speed up a function that is going to slow or slow down a function that is moving too fast by overwhelming your system. What you may not realize is when your body is overloaded your body becomes inefficient and toxins can build up. If toxins aren’t eliminated, your well being may be compromised. You will most likely experience many of the following symptoms: Headaches, Fatigue, Difficulty Sleeping, Digestive Issues, Immune System Challenges, Food Cravings, Weight Gain, Reduced Mental Clarity and Low Libido.

So what are you suppose to do about it?

I recommend a purification program for many of my patients. Purification is merely the internal cleansing and detoxification of your body. Think of it as “Spring Cleaning” for your insides!

Is it challenging? Of Course. Is it rewarding? Absolutely!

It requires making new healthier choices for yourself. You will learn to refrain from eating fast foods and sugar laden snacks, which place an unnecessary load on your body. Instead you will learn to turn to whole unprocessed, preservative free foods and whole food supplements. In the process you will learn about your body and what it needs to stay healthy. And as an added side effect, most people shed some extra weight!

Purification Program

Fad diets sell a lot of books, but the ignore the way our bodies actually work. Gaining weight (and then some) after a fad diet or medically supervised weight loss is all too common. Standard Process’s Purification program is different. It is not a diet. It is a program that helps you live a healthier life by purifying, nourishing and maintaining a healthy body and weight. The program uses whole food supplements to help your body purify and rebuild itself. From the inside out. You will also be supporting all of your organ systems that play a role in purification. Throughout the program you may find yourself eating foods that may be new to you. As a result you will be enjoying some new tastes, new textures, and a whole new you.

Are you ready for a healthier you?

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