Eaton Chiropractic CENTER
Sciatica is considered to be a very common syndrome that causes unbearable pain and symptoms such as numbness in different body parts, a tingling effect, and severe pain. In certain situations, the body pain can be so debilitating that the person is unable to work. Sciatica pain can range from mild aches to severe pain. People find themselves unable to perform simple daily tasks such as walking, bending, sitting or standing up.
By realigning the spine though mild, natural adjustment techniques, we can help sciatic nerve pain by removing pressure from the nerve itself. Sciatica is sometimes caused by nerve compression, and restricted spinal movement leads to pain and reduced mobility and performance,
but sometimes it is issues in the pelvis.
Spinal adjustments help to reduce the nerve irritability that triggers inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and other symptoms related to sciatica. Adjustments should not be painful and spinal adjustments have been proven to be safe and effective.
The pelvis and the supporting musculature are very delicate and require just the right balance. Allow us to do a consultation at our expense and see if our office is s great fit for you and your health goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about our service? Do not hesitate to give us a call and also consult our list of frequently asked questions!
Book an Appointment
If you’re wondering if chiropractic care can help address your sciatica, contact us today to schedule an appointment!